Ello! ... I almost missed doing my early month updates.... We'll see if can get back to doing em on the first proper again xD
So first, I wanted to thank everyone who checked out Opportunity of the Cybermen~ It was a hold over from last year that got held back because of all my procrastination during Ms. Pac's production... And nearly fell into the same pit with admittedly xD
But thankfully I have been learning more tricks to maintain a better flow while animating, so quicker turnarounds are more likely this year~
And of course, when one project is finished, another begins~
The time has come for me to FINALLY get the next full episode of Tails from Planet Symma finished... Had been sitting on this one for a bit.
I am trying to see if I can get at least one full episode of TFPS out a year, and maybe one or two shorts but we'll see if that pans out~
Already got half of a minute of animation fully rendered so I am hoping to keep up the pace~ Wish me luck as this episode is the longest TFPS full episode yet xD
See you all next month~ And keep an eye out for new art~